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  • 1993

    • Dr. Mostafa M. Elhilali


      Dr. Elhiali was born in 1937 in Minia, southern Egypt. He joined the medical school at Cairo University and trained as a urologist. He headed to McGill in 1964 and earned a PhD on the subject of prostate cancer. He worked as a surgeon in Montréal and became chief of the Department of Urology at the University of Sherbrooke. He returned to McGill in 1982 as chair of the Department of Urology. He became general secretary of the Société International d’Urologie and moved their headquarters from France to Montréal in 1997. He received the Order of Canada in 2001, and the Order of Québec in 2009.





    • Executives


      Vice-president: G. Bruce Piercy

      Treasurer: Jack L. Sales

      Secretary: Denis H. Hosking



      Peter G. Wentzell

      Jean Simard

      Yves Fradet

      Richard W. Norman

      David R. Mador

      S. Larry Goldenberg

    • Committees


      Local Arrangements: Dr. David R. Mador 

      Programme: Dr. J. Curtis Nickel                       

      Chairman of C-SUUR: Dr. J. Curtis Nickel 

    • CUASF


      CUASF Treasurer: Dr. Normand Sullivan                          

      CUASF Scholars: Dr. Armen-G. Aprikien, Dr. Gerald B. Brock, Dr. Mireille Grégoire, Dr. Keith A. Jarvi, Dr. Andrew E. MacNeily

    • Canadian Journal of Urology Created


      Editor in Chief: Laurence H. Klotz (1994-2007)

  • 1994

    • 49th Meeting, Jasper, AB


      49th annual meeting held in Jasper, AB

      • Urology training now consists of 2 years of core surgical training and 3 years of clinical urology (with no internship) 
      • By-laws and Membership Application are revised to be gender neutral in order to reflect that women constitute an important part of the Association 
      • An ad hoc Planning and Priorities Committee, chaired by the Vice-President, proposes the first “strategic plan” for the CUA, with focus on improving communication with members and making the CUA relevant to the entire Canadian urological community 
      • By-laws revised to clarify option to make nominations from the floor at the Annual General Meeting 
      • The makeup of the Nominating Committee is revised in order to increase representation of community urologists within the CUA 
      • Research Committee bestows unfunded CUASF Scholar designations to worthy applicants who have secured alternate funding 


    • Dr. Alvaro Morales


      Dr. Morales graduated from the Universidad Javeriana in Columbia before doing his surgical training in Washington, D.C. as well as Boston. He completed his urological training at Queen’s University, Kingston, where he became part of the Urology department in 1972 until his retirement in 2004. His research on bladder cancer has been recognized as one of the most important in the last 100 years by the Journal of Urology. For his work, he received the Order of Canada in 2011.





    • Awards


      Honorary Membership:  Dr. Donald S. Coffey 

    • Executives


      Vice-president: Normand Sullivan

      Treasurer: Jack L. Sales

      Secretary: Denis H. Hosking



      Peter G. Wentzell

      Jean Simard

      Yves Fradet

      Richard W. Norman

      Bryan J. Donnelly

      Allan G. Toguri