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  • 1991

    • Committees


      Local Arrangements: Dr. Denis H. Hosking 

      Programme: Dr. S. Larry Goldenberg       

      Training, Education & Evaluation:  Dr. Ernest W. Ramsey

    • CUASF


      CUASF Scholars: Dr. Anne-Marie Houle    

  • 1992

    • 47th Meeting, Winnipeg, MB


      47th annual meeting held in Winnipeg, MB

      • The practice of selling portions of the Scientific Program of the Annual Meeting to sponsors is approved in principle 
      • The Economics & Manpower Committee establish and attempt to maintain an accurate job registry 
      • Canadian Prostate Health Council is established, endorsed by the CUA and with a CUA Executive member to be on it 
      • CUA makes a position statement on training guidelines for urologists in transrectal ultrasound and laparoscopy
      • CUA makes a position statement on thermotherapy for benign prostatic hyperplasia
      • CUA makes a position statement on the role of PSA in the management of prostate cancer
      • First female CUASF Scholar


    • Dr. Ernest B. Ramsey


      Dr. Ramsey was born in Northern Ireland and graduated from Queen’s University, Belfast, in 1963. He immigrated to Canada in 1970 to complete urology training at Queen’s University in Kingston. He moved to Winnipeg in 1972 and became professor of urology at the University of Manitoba where he was instrumental in opening the Manitoba Prostate Centre.




    • Awards


      CUA Award: Dr. Alan H. Irvine    

    • Executives


      Vice-president: John P. Collins

      Treasurer: Jack L. Sales

      Secretary: Denis H. Hosking



      Peter G. Wentzell

      S. Larry Goldenberg

      Jean Simard

      R. Brewer Auld

      David R. Mador

      Jean Guy Laberge

    • Committees


      Local Arrangements: Dr. Normand Sullivan   

      Programme: Dr. Michel Bazinet                      

      Research: Dr. John Trachtenberg  

    • CUASF


      CUASF Scholars: Dr. Martin E. Gleave, Dr. Fred Saad

  • 1993

    • 48th Meeting, Montréal, QC


      48th annual meeting held in Montréal, QC

      • New CUA Committee: Finance Committee, a joint CUA/CUASF committee chaired by the CUA Treasurer– to maintain a database of and communication with funding agencies, to coordinate fundraising for the Association, the Annual Meeting and the CUASF, and to oversee the long term financial activities of the Association in general 
      • Determined that CUASF Treasurer be invited to present at CUA Board meetings 
      • Determined the companies making large donations to the CUASF be acknowledged at the President’s Banquet 
      • Determined that major sponsor of the Annual Meeting be provided a plaque or certificate to display at their booth