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  • 1989

  • 1990

    • 45th Meeting, Vancouver, BC


       45th annual meeting held in Vancouver, BC. 

      • A CUA tie is designed and sold at cost to members at the Annual Meeting
      • A new, more elaborate Past-President’s medal is struck 
      • CUA makes a position statement on transrectal ultrasound and training requirements for cystoscopy
      • New Affiliates:  Canadian Academy of Urological Surgeons (CAUS), Canadian Uro-Oncology Group (CUOG)  and Canadian Urodynamic Professionals (CANUP)
      • The men’s low gross golf trophy is renamed the “J. O. Metcalfe Trophy”
      • Inaugural Canadian Society of Urology Residents (CSUR) meeting is held just before Annual Meeting 


    • Dr. Said A. Awad



      Dr. Awad was born in Cairo and obtained his MD from Cairo University in 1959. He joined the Department of Urology at Queen’s University in Kingston in 1971 where he developed neuro-urology. He joined Dalhousie University in 1980 as head of the Urology Department until 1997, before retiring in 2003.






    • Executives


      Vice-president: Mostafa M. Elhilali

      Treasurer: G. Bruce Piercy

      Secretary: John P. Collins



      R. Brewer Auld

      Lawrence A. Taranger

      Yves L. Homsy

      Jean Guy Laberge

      James B. Metcalfe

      John H. Wait

    • Committees


      Local Arrangements: 

      Dr. Grant A. Farrow        

      Dr. Bernard M. Churchill                                                            

      Programme: Dr.  Michael A. Jewett 

      Economics & Manpower: Dr. Michael A. Robinette       

    • CUASF


      CUASF Scholars:

      Dr. John D. Denstedt , Dr. Antoine E. Khoury, Dr. Ronald T. Kodama, Dr. Michael P. Leonard 

  • 1991

    • 46th Meeting, Toronto, ON


      46th annual meeting held in Toronto, ON. Joint meeting with AUA.

      • AUA elected to hold their Annual Meeting in Toronto in 1991 due to construction problems with the previously-selected Las Vegas venue.  The CUA elected to make it a joint meeting, resulting in the largest urological meeting ever held up to that time





    • Dr. David E. Moors


    • Awards


      CUA Award: Dr. William H. Lakey    

    • Executives


      Vice-president: Alvaro Morales

      Treasurer: G. Bruce Piercy

      Secretary: John P. Collins



      R. Brewer Auld

      S. Larry Goldenberg

      Yves L. Homsy

      Jean Guy Laberge

      David R. Mador

      John H. Wait