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  • 1986

    • CUASF


      CUASF Scholar: L.K. Joseph Chin

    • CUASF


      CUASF Scholar: L.K. Joseph Chin

  • 1987

    • 42nd Meeting, Banff, AB


      42nd annual meeting held in Banff, AB

      • A motion is passed that the CUA have a central or permanent secretary 
      • Training, Education & Evaluation Committee and the Executive oppose the RCPSC proposal to remove MCQs from the Urology Examination
      • Training, Education & Evaluation Committee negotiates with the American Board of Urology (ABU) regarding their recent unilateral decision to disallow Canadian trainees to sit the ABU certification examinations – Final result is that only Canadian trainees who have a medical degree from Canada or US may qualify to sit the ABU, but requirements set make it difficult for any Canadian trainees to qualify  
      • The RCPSC considers the possibility of “Surgical Oncology” as a new surgical specialty.  The CUA counters that urologic oncology will always be a part of Urology and that “Surgical Oncology”  should be a branch of General Surgery and not represent all surgical disciplines
      • Economics & Manpower Committee reports a good balance between graduating residents and projected retirements
      • Clarified that CUASF scholarships be exclusively for potential academic urologists, and not PhD students in urology departments 


    • Dr. Malcolm S. McPhee


    • Committees


      Local Arrangements: Dr. Philip Belitsky                           

      Programme: Dr. Said A. Awad    

      Economics and manpower: Sender Herschorn

      Research: Michael A. Jewett

    • Executives


      Vice-president: Said A. Awad

      Treasurer: G. Bruce Piercy

      Secretary: John P. Collins



      Mostafa M. Elhilali

      Michael A. Robinette

      Bernard M. Churchill

      Ian R. Davis

      Jean-Paul Perreault

      Alvaro Morales


    • CUASF


      CUASF Scholars:

      Dr. Jerzy Gajewski                                                              

      Dr. Mark L. Jordan                             

      Dr. Jeremy P. Heaton

  • 1988

    • 43rd Meeting, Halifax, NS


      43rd annual meeting held in Halifax, NS

      • Annual dues = $135 ($65 CUA operations, $30 Foundation fee, $40 Scientific Program) 
      • Annual Meeting location will now alternate between a site in central Canada and a site in either eastern or western Canada every second year 
      • The CUASF is able to fund three $30K scholarships per year
      • A task force is set up to look into cystoscopy training standards in Canada 
      • The “Historian” becomes a CUA Standing Committee 
      • The Public Relations Committee will be chaired by the President 
      • Economics & Manpower Committee reports that the average urologist works 59 hours/week and operates 16 hours/week, and it reports there are 33 unfilled urology positions in English Canada and an estimated 10 in Quebec
      • Recommended ratio of Urologist:Population = 1/51,950
      • A task force is set up to develop training and practice standards for non-urologists performing “gynecological urology” – Findings suggest a need to ensure “female urology” and “urodynamics” are being emphasized in urology residency 


    • Dr. Oliver H. Millard


      Dr. Millard was born in England, and completed his medical degree at Dalhousie University, followed by a urology fellowship at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York. He returned to Halifax to practice urology for 45 years.